Thursday, May 29, 2014

In Memory, Betty Harrington

This week I got the call I had always anticipated, but never wanted to receive. My Gran passed away in her sleep at the age of 91. She is a hero of mine, having given up her life after our mom passed to come live with us and care for us in 1988. She never looked back, she felt so at home with us, she never left. She shared in our graduations, weddings, births, deaths. She made sacrifices for our family, putting us first always. My Gran loved to share life with people. She was outgoing, friendly, full of witty antics and stories. A good old soul to have around. She loved animals, especially our family pets. Her heart was big. She showed us unconditional love in many ways, always supporting us in all we did, wanting to share life with us. Having moved out of state, I always made an effort to bring my boys to see her and the family. She lived for that. I am so glad she got to see them grow into who they are today. She was a proud Grandma. They will miss her.

I honor my Gran, Elizabeth Harrington for being a hero in my life, when we needed her most. For being the best Gran who knew how to spoil and love us to pieces. She always embraced with hugs and kisses and brightened the room with quiet giggles. I remember our last call on Mother's Day ended with "I love you." it always did. She knew in her heart how important she was to me and my family. She will be missed, but I know she is at peace now with her youngest son, sister and many dear friends.

I celebrate you Gran! Thank you for making my heart smile and loving me for the past 36 years.

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