Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Singing Silent Night today in Christmas Eve service, I began to weep. I had my family close which is a huge blessing. I wept in thankfulness for them. I wept in sorrow for those families recently I have heard about losing loved ones so close to the holidays. It's not fair and not right. No one should have a holiday ruined by the loss of a loved one. Back in Indiana where we use to live, a mother and daughter were murdered in their home this past week. The cops believe it was a robbery. My angry question is why on earth did you have to take their lives from this world? Take what you want and leave them alone. I don't get it. Instead of celebrating our Savior, enjoying time with family, they are mourning the loss of loved ones. They have to prepare for the funeral following Christmas. Awful. I weep just thinking about it. I just read the other day of a father who threw his son off the roof of their building and jumped after him to their deaths over a custody fight. Really? Why on earth would you do that? Another family broken by a selfish act. A lady I work with is losing her husband to cancer. My heart aches for her, having to say goodbye to the love of her life, the father of her children. No way to spend the holiday season in grief.

So tonight, I am grateful once again for my family, my loved ones. My friends. I rejoice in knowing my Savior. Knowing my peace. Knowing my strength. I rejoice that I am not one of the stories mentioned above. I rejoice. May we all rest in heavenly peace tonight.

Merry Christmas!

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