Monday, December 31, 2012

Reflecting on 2012

Its hard to believe another year has passed. I sit here trying to think of the highlights of the year, to only remember a few? Good thing I tried the memory jar this year to refresh. The best memory of this past year would have to be our move to Colorado. Although we left dear friends behind us, I know dear friends are before us. Kerry really felt a tug on his heart to say goodbye to Indiana and get his boys closer to their grandparents. He sat back and let God lead him to an awesome church in Loveland through a lengthy process that really proved to be the next chapter in our book.With moving always comes worry, doubt, excitement, sadness and joy. We drove away from our retreat of a home in Noblesville still up for sale, not looking back, trusting that God was going to provide a buyer so we could start anew in Loveland. God provided an apartment on a month to month basis where we only had to dwell for 3 months. Exactly what we needed. In that time, our house sold in Noblesville and we found our new home in Loveland. There were days when Kerry was hopeless and frustrated. On those days, I was full of hope and trust. Someone had to be. You see, we never know when God will answer a prayer. Its a waiting game. He uses this time to teach us and mold us and to grow us. The call came 2.5 months after we put the house up that we had an offer, with another on the way. What??? God can be silly sometimes, but he knew the right house was not ready for us yet here because we found it a few weeks later, 2 days on the market and we walked in and knew it was our home. Again, we had to trust that God would provide if it indeed was. He did! Someone else really wanted it too, but He chose us. Another blessing in this year was finding a pre-school for Caleb. I found it by researching online, hoping they would have a spot for him and they did. Just one. I could not be more pleased with his school. His teachers are amazing and LOVE Caleb. I wish I could keep them, they are that good! One more highlight to share is the reuniting of our family, probably the most special of all. We left Arizona in Spring of 2009, leaving Kerry's family behind. We made the distance work over the 3.5 years we were gone, but it was still very hard on our boys. When they heard we were heading to Colorado where their other son was already residing, they continued to pray and follow their wish to be together again. God sold their house in a day and the message was clear. They were on the move too! They now live 10 miles away and we can see them all the time, rather than wait a few months for a flight to another state. Blessings!

Every year brings good and bad. Joy and sadness. I am thankful for my healthy family. Thankful for each day as you never know when the story ends. I am thankful I get to be at home with my boys, even though they can drive me bananas,but also fill my heart to the brim with their cuteness. I am thankful for my husband who is faithful, who works so hard to provide for us, who loves me unconditionally. I am thankful to my God who is my peace, my strength, my Savior. Without Him, I would not be whole.

Happy New Year! God Bless!

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